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We recommend that your West Coast American Eskimo puppy be seen by a licensed veterinarian within 48 hours of adoption and that you follow your veterinarian's recommendations for the vaccination schedule. West Coast American Eskimo puppies are all dewormed and vaccinated on schedule. We recommend to you that your WCAE puppy be quarantined until fully vaccinated. Parvovirus is both highly contagious and fatal. Further, we suggest that you do not take your WCAE puppy to the dog park before six months of age. Before taking your puppy on both long and short outings, please visit our Puppy Travel Bag. 

Remember, all puppies love to chew and investigate. Ensure your WCAE puppy does not have access to poisonous plants, electrical cords or anything else toxic or dangerous. A detailed home inspection is recommended. Puppies can be a lot like toddlers and need supervised care when they are playing. It is prudent to always have appropriate toys, activity puzzles, chew treats, toys and puzzles to keep your puppy engaged in a healthy manner. Please visit Our Favorite Things for our specific suggestions on great items. Further, before your adoption day, make sure you have viewed our list of Essential Supplies.

American Eskimos are not escape artists by nature, however, an opening in the fence or an area that they can dig can provide access to an unsafe area. Please ensure that your yard or patio is secure by doing a thorough inspection. A car seat, travel crate or seat belt is recommended for vehicle travel. Our eskies begin car traveling, here with us, to get them acclimated so they will travel great on adoption day and beyond. Our eskies make the best travel companions. A snug collar, with ID tags, with two fingers clearance should be worn at all times. When walking your darling fluffy pup, a harness and secure collar is of the utmost importance. We recommend a standard leash as opposed to an extend-a-leash. We take the first step in protecting your puppy as all our pups are microchipped by our licensed vet before your puppy's adoption day.

We recommend that your WCAE puppy be spayed or neutered. Please consult with your licensed veterinarian about the appropriate time for the procedure.   

WCAE's recommends dental cleanings per your licensed veterinarian's recommendation. We do recommend anesthesia for both the benefit of a deep cleaning and comfort of your puppy. We highly recommend brushing their teeth 3x weekly with a puppy toothbrush and high quality dog toothpaste to prevent tartar and plaque build up. We always brush your puppy's teeth before adoption day too.

Grooming and caring for that luscious and gorgeous double white coat is so easy. We love our Chris Christensen pin brush, followed by a gentle combing, a few times per week. Grooming should be a relaxing experience, so comb gently and if you encounter a knot in the fur, gently comb it out. If necessary, use a spray detangler to help. Be gentle on grooming his or her fluffy tail as it is an extension of their spine. If your pup's coat tends to mat behind the ears or under the arms simply comb or brush those areas more frequently.  During shedding season, a rake works efficiently to remove the fur more expediently. To see our grooming and bath products we use, check out Our Favorite Things

Typically a bath once every month or two is all that is needed. If their skin and fur feels or looks dirty, it is bath time! A thorough brushing before the bath makes grooming your eskimo much easier afterwards for them and for you. We do not recommend bathing your eskimo during shedding season.


Your puppy will experience a gentle and warm blow-dry here at West Coast American Eskimos, so don't hesitate to give him or her the full spa experience.


Please, never cut or trim your American Eskimo's double coat - at most only 'sanitary trims' are necessary. The paws may be trimmed (grinch-feet) as may the fringe on the back of the legs to simply tidy up. Never, ever shave your eskimo. That undercoat keeps them warm in the winter and helps keep them cool in the heat. To remove loose hair and undercoat, comb gently with a rake. 


Nail trimming is done here for each puppy as this helps acclimate them to part of their grooming sessions. Nail trimming with a guillotine trimmer, or filing with a doggy nail dremel, should be done routinely. Don't forget to trim the dew claw. If you need guidance with this routine and necessary task, please let us know and we will help. To see the nail products we recommend please visit Our Favorite Things.


Bi-monthly grooming by a professional groomer is a great option. The puppy will get acclimated to bath, blow-dry, brush and a sanitary trim. The groomer should do a nail trim and, only if necessary, express the anal sacs. Those wash and dry pet washing stations are reasonably priced for convenience. Ensure your puppy is current on all vaccines for the above grooming options.

It is prudent to ensure that someone can care for your pet in case of an emergency or when you go on vacation. You should have at least two resources available before you adopt a pet.


We are always available to you for questions, concerns and support. We love updates from our WCAE families. 

Mission statement: A consistently clean and properly groomed puppy or dog helps keep them healthy and feeling better beyond just looking better. It is part of being a responsible pet parent.

© West Coast American Eskimos. Unless otherwise indicated all content on West Coast American Eskimo's website is exclusively owned by West Coast American Eskimos. All rights reserved.

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