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Adoption Application


Please answer the following questions and click the submit button. Truthfulness is required.


Each prospective pet parent or family should carefully consider all of the below questions when adding a new furry life to their household as it is a 14-18 year commitment.

Application Questions 
What is your adoption timeline?
What size Eskie is right for you?
What gender do you prefer?
Are you flexible if your preferred gender is not available?
Do you prefer your Eskie to have
Do you plan on breeding your Eskie?
Do you intend to have your Eskie compete?
Have you ever owned dogs or cats before?
How many pets are currently in your household?
Have you ever had to surrender or re-home a pet?
How many people are in your household?
Does anyone in your household have a medical condition that would negatively affect the care and well-being of the puppy or that may cause the puppy to be returned?
How long will the dog be alone during the day?
Do you live in a(n)
Do you rent or own?
Are pets permitted where you rent?
Do you plan on crate training?
Do you have a current veterinarian?
Have you chosen an emergency vet?
Do you plan to spay or neuter puppy?
Are all animals in your household neutered or spayed?
Do you intend to take puppy to obedience school?
Do you plan on having insurance for your puppy?
Can you comfortably afford the dog, toys, food, routine medical care along with any possible emergencies?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application. We’ll get back to you shortly.

© West Coast American Eskimos. Unless otherwise indicated all content on West Coast American Eskimo's website is exclusively owned by West Coast American Eskimos. All rights reserved.

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